I'm weird, here's proof

Friday, September 21, 2007

All right then

In response to Austin's comment on my previous post, here is said joke:

Q: What's the opposite of George Strait?
A: George Michael

It was funny at the time.


Caitie said...

Cause George Michael's gay, you see.

See what I mean about the not really funny?

Jookylover said...

Actually that was funny.

Mr. T said...

What is the opposite of Christopher Reeve?

A: Christopher Walken

Caitie said...

yeah that was sort of my unintentional inspiration

Marsie Pants said...

Yeah Caitie, that wasn't too funny. Actually it was but Tim's was way funnier. Sorry.

dre said...

i'm laughing. sue me.

Caitie said...

Thank you, Heather. I'm glad someone does.