Today I visited my MySpace page for the first time in ages--just for old times' sake, and because I ran out of ways to avoid writing my research paper. I thought I'd share with you, dear readers, a little gem sent to me a few months ago from one James Smith, a 44-year-old divorced contractor from Brooklyn. The message appears _exactly_ as I received it.
Subject: Hello Dear
Message: Hello Lovely...
How are you and how you doing i hope all is well
with james and am new i just got to
this site cos i will love to meet someone i will
share the rest of my life with have been single
for 3 years now and since when i lost my
wife...well i will let you more about myself when
you write back to me and pls tell me abit of
yourself in your reply...cos am here for a serious
relationship and i will be very happy to hear back
from you son have gone throught your profile
and i must tell you i will love to spend the rest of
my life with you...i hope to hear from you soon...
let put things togerther and see the outcome...
Stay blessed..
Yep. I really missed out. I think he could have been the One.